VUJE was established in 1977 as a state research institute; in 1994, it was transformed into a joint stock company whose shares are owned by company employees and former employees. The change from the state-owned company into a private company meant also a change in company operations, i.e. a change from an originally research organisation into an engineering company that presently implements large projects mainly in the field of nuclear power generation.
The current scope of company operations includes all activities related to the preparation, implementation, operation and termination of operation mainly of energy installations. VUJE a.s. has an established integrated management system based on international standards and related national regulations aimed at improving the safety of nuclear facilities exploitation, the environment protection as well as occupational safety and health protection. It also applies requirements and recommendations of IAEA.
VUJE in relation to the project topics is conducting research related to development and implementation of decision support systems, accident management and risk assessment, source term evaluation, atmospheric dispersion and dose modeling, exercise preparation and conducting, training, governance of hazardous activities and situations (including post-nuclear accident situations), stakeholder engagement processes and facilitation of multi-stakeholder processes.
VUJE has participated in numerous European research and expert projects [FP4, FP5, FP6 (EURANOS, COVERS, SARNET), FP7 (PREPARE, NERIS-TP, CATO, SARNET 2, CESAM, NUCL-EU, MMOTION, ADRIANA, SARGENIV, ALLIANCE), Inco Copernicus and PHARE] and has acted as a work package leader for some of these. VUJE is founding member of NERIS and NUGENIA. VUJE is also member of ETSON. VUJE has wider involvement in the OECD/NEA working groups nominated there by Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic as their Technical Support Organisation.
VUJE has links to a wide range of stakeholders involved in radiation protection, nuclear safety and nuclear waste management.