Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire
IRSN is a public organisation placed under the joint authority of the French Ministries of the Environment, Health, Research, Industry and Defence. Serving public authorities, IRSN is a body performing research and providing expert assessments into nuclear and radiological risks covering the radiological protection of human beings, the protection of the environment, the emergency response to radiological and nuclear events, the safety of nuclear reactors, the safety of plants, laboratories, radioactive material transport and waste, the prevention of major accidents in nuclear power plants, as well as the nuclear defence expertise.
Role in Project
IRSN is mainly involved in WP3 – Development of a radiation protection culture to support governance of radiological risk - with the elaboration of case studies in the fields of radon exposure and medical use of ionising radiation. IRSN will also participate to WP4 – Competence building and dissemination –